Seed Travels Northeast 2022 Journey in Sound and Sight

Seed Travels is a movement that began 16 years ago when a group of Maya Achi farmers traveled from Guatemala to the southwest to share the story of the amaranth seed.  It has since grown into a larger movement of building networks of seed savers.

This year, Julian Vasquez and Valentina Lopez, traveled to the Haudenosaunee Territory (New York) for a series of cultural exchanges with community organizations, farms, and gardens. The trip included exchanges and planting gardens with the Iroquois White Corn Project, Ganondagan Cultural Center, the Cayuga SHARE Farm, the Traditional Center for Indigenous Knowledge and Healing, the Onondaga Nation Farm, The Learning Farm, Groundswell Center for Local Food and Farming, and the Youth Farm Project. The purpose of this first-ever Seed Travels visit to the northeast was to share seed stories about plant medicines and the ancestral foods that have sustained cultures for millennia. Now we have new relationships to nurture from the Southwest to the Northeast as we weave a web of seed savers across what’s known by the Haudenosaunee as Turtle Island. Thank you to everyone who participated this year!

Alcance Latino Radio Interview with Julian Vasquez Chun and Valentina Lopez Chay

September 25th, 2022