Amaranth has a story to tell, one that is still being written.

The Garden’s Edge is organizing a delegation of young and old seed savers from our Seed Travels partners in California, Arizona and New Mexico to travel to Guatemala in March 2020.

The Amaranth seeds gifted to the Qachuu Aloom elders in September of this year have journeyed back to Guatemala and will be planted in the Qachuu Aloom garden, as a symbol of our deep connection, interdependence, collective resistance and hope for the future.

The trip will include tours of the Asociacion Qachuu Aloom’s gardens and facilities, a ceremonial Amaranth harvest, community visits with farmers, a commemorative pilgrimage to the site of the Rio Negro massacre, trips to sacred sites, visits to various community-based organizations in the departments of Baja Verapaz, Chimaltenango and Solola, as well as workshops on seed saving and traditional medicine. If you or someone from your organization would like to attend this trip please use the link below to fill out the application form and submit it by December 15th, 2019.

Application Details

December 15th: Deadline for submitting the on-line Application 

(Indicate your need for financial support on the application)

Applicants will be notified by The Garden’s Edge by December 31st

January 15th: Deadline for $500 deposit

Trip Costs

The estimated cost per person is $1,200 which includes food, ground transportation and lodging. Delegates are responsible for their own ticket, which can cost anywhere between $600-$800 and for their own travel insurance which can cost approximately $100. The estimated total cost for the trip is $2,000 per person.  

If you need financial support please indicate this on the application. We have limited scholarship funds for Seed Travels partners. Please check to see if your organization is able to help cover some or all of your expenses. Alternatively, if you would like to offer a scholarship, to help make this experience accessible to more people, please indicate so in your application. 

Seed Travels Trip Itinerary, March 11-22, 2020 

This itinerary is a rough draft meant to give you a sense of how the trip will be structured. The final itinerary will be distributed in January 2020.  Each day will begin with an opening circle to set our intentions for the day and end with reflections on our experiences. In addition to the many activities planned with our Qachuu Aloom partners, each Seed Travels delegate is encouraged to share skills and knowledge from their work, organization, or community. 

March 11th – Arrive Guatemala City

Delegates are responsible for their own airline tickets. You will be picked you up at the airport and transported to The Hotel Spring. 

March 12th – Travel to Rio Negro, Chixoy Dam and Visitor’s Center 

Boat ride across the Chixoy Dam reservoir to the visitor’s center. Read more about the Rio Negro Massacre

March 13th – Ceremonial Vigil in Pak’oxom

Tour of Rio Negro Museum, hike to Pak’oxom; the top of the mountain where the massacre took place and dinner on the mountain. 

March 14th – Qachuu Aloom Visitor’s Center 

Boat ride out of Rio Negro and return to Rabinal, lodging at the Qachuu Aloom Visitors Center.

March 15th – Farmers Market, Qachuu Aloom Offices, Artisan Visits   

Evening Temazcal (traditional Mayan sweat lodge) and knowledge exchange circle.

March 16th – Solidarity Garden and Blessing of the Seeds

Morning visit to Nueva Esperanza “New Hope“ middle and high school.  Afternoon, harvest of the Amaranth at Qachuu Aloom Solidarity Garden. Evening temescal (traditional Mayan sweat lodge) skill share circle with students.

March 17th – Visits to Qachuu Aloom Family Gardens

Morning travel to the communities of Qachuu Aloom members: El Sauce (Julian Vasquez’s village) Panacal Village garden visit and Knowledge exchange circle.  

Afternoon celebration of food “All things Amaranth”. Cook with Qachuu Aloom or share recipes of your own.  

March 18th – Hike and Ceremony at Cayup, Sacred Site in Rabinal. 

Early morning hike to the sacred site Cayup, outside of Rabinal.

Stay in Chimaltenango at the Association AJ KEN with a knowledge exchange in the evening.

March 19th – Visit to Sacred Site: Ixim’che

Morning visit to Ixim’che with a tour from a local guide, afternoon trip to The Mesoamerican Permaculture Institute, IMAP, tour of the IMAP seed bank, gardens and education center and lodging for two nights on the shore of Lake Atitlan. 

March 20th – Traditional Weaving with all Natural Fibers and Dyes 

Sunrise Ceremony at IMAP, visit traditional weavers in San Juan de la Laguna, Lake Atitlan to see the natural dye and spinning process. Evening skillshare. 

March 21st – Aquaculture Project in Quixaya 

Depart IMAP after breakfast, morning tour of aquaculture projects in the Quixaya river valley with swimming and lunch. Arrival in Antigua around 3 pm with time to tour the city and relax. 

March 22nd – Return Home  

Delegates will take 45-minute shuttles from Antigua to the airport in Guatemala City.